14th February is a day we celebrate valentine's day.This day signifies love and affection. It is marked by lovers and individuals expressing their affection with gifts and messages to their loved ones.

There are several stories as to the origin of this day, but no one has pinpointed the origin of the holiday.

Let's talk about the most popular valentine's day story which I believe a lot of us know and believe it to be the reason why valentine's day is celebrated. Valentine's day is named after St. Valentine a catholic priest in the 3rd century who lived in Rome. 

At the time,many Romans were converting to Christians but, the Emperor Claudius II was a pagan and made laws restricting Christians on what they were allowed to do. Claudius prevented Roman soldiers from marrying because he believed that Roman soldiers should be completely devoted to Rome. 

St Valentine married the soldiers in secret Christian ceremonies and that was the beginning of his reputation for his belief on the importance of love. Valentine was jailed for his crimes against Claudius law. While imprisoned, Valentine cared for his fellow prisoners and also his jailor's blind daughter. 

It is said that the girl's blindness was cured by Valentine and that he wrote her a love message signed ‘from your Valentine'. Valentine was executed on 14 February in the year 270. 

Which story did you hear as the origin of valentine's day.  You can share in the comment box below. 

Sending you love with virtual hugs and kisses because, you are my Valentine 💋😘🤗

Happy Valentine's day.....




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